Manufacturer Certifications


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Water/Oil/Gas Industries


Pipes, Valves & Fittings

Manufacturer Certifications


Products Supplied

Water/Oil/Gas Industries


Pipes, Valves & Fittings

Fittings & Nipple

Guardian Heavy Pattern Fittings. Not all fittings are created equal. Here at Guardian, we have a tried and true Heavy Pattern standard fitting that we make from our own molds. We have made and sold hundreds of thousands of them in the US. When comparing a lot of customers look at weight and wall thickness. We have seen many different versions in the US market but stand behind our fittings as one of the best economic options. Another standard option is MSS-SP114. MSS-SP114 is an engineering-designed standard that requires very specific tolerances which equates to higher production cost. SP114 is offered as a direct-to-mill purchase. Inquiries are welcome by emailing us at It should be mentioned that we offer the lasted 2018-MSS-SP114 version.

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